
GET TMS/Carrier/{profileID} Carrier[]

Returns a list of available Carriers based on user profile

Returns: A list of Carriers


GET TMS/Profile/Default ProfileItem

Returns the default Profile for the user credential.

GET TMS/Profile/All ProfileItem[]

Returns a list of available TMS Profiles based on the user credential.


POST TMS/GetRates?profileID={profileID} QuoteResponse

Returns rates for all specified Service Levels for the specified request.

GET TMS/Order/Track/{profileID}/{customerOrderNumber} TrackingMilestone[]

Returns the tracking details for all tracking numbers associated with the order

GET TMS/Order/{profileID}/{customerOrderNumber} Order

Returns the TMS Order matching the requested Order Number.

Returns: An Order


  • !:HTTP 404 Not Found: Returned if the requested order does not exist or is not associated with the requesting users profile.

POST TMS/Order/Book/{profileID} BookingResponse

Creates a TMS Order and books the shipment with the carrier. The TMS Order will be removed if the Carrier Booking fails.

Returns: Returns the SEKO Order ID associated with the created record.

POST TMS/Order/BookOrder/{profileID} IHttpActionResult

Creates a TMS Order

POST TMS/Order/Create/{profileID} IHttpActionResult

Creates a TMS Order

POST TMS/Order/Pickup?ordOrderID={ordOrderID}&transID={transID} SystemReply

Submit for a pickup request

GET TMS/Order/Label/{profileID}/{customerOrderNumber} ShippingLabel[]

Returns all of the available Labels for the specified order

GET TMS/GetSurcharges CarrierSurcharge[]

Returns a list of generic surcharge types.

GET TMS/GetCarrierSurcharges/{carrierID} CarrierSurchargeOffering[]

Returns a list of surcharge type by carrier.

POST TMS/Track/UpdateMilestones HttpStatusCode

Pushes in milestones against a transportation record

POST TMS/UploadFiles HttpStatusCode

Attaches a file to a TMS order