
POST Order/AddUpdate OrderResponse

Add new or update an existing order. Wil use your default Role

HTTP 200 OK will be returned with SystemReply response when an order is successfully created.

POST Order/{role}/AddUpdate OrderResponse

Add new or update an existing order.

HTTP 200 OK will be returned with SystemReply response when an order is successfully created.

POST Order/Get LogisticsOrderModel

Get an existing order information from the system.

Returns: If found, returns an existing order.

POST Order/Execute/{wfAction} OrderResponse

Executes the specified Workflow Action using your default role.

POST Order/Execute/{role}/{wfAction} OrderResponse

Executes the specified Workflow Action. Using the specified Role (the User must be a member of the specified role or the action will fail)


POST Order/DELL/Create DellCreateOrderResponse

Creates a DELL Order per Dell/EMC- Fedex Supply Chain TMS Solution (https://seko.atlassian.net/browse/SCRUM-287)

HTTP 200 OK Will be returned with a response contain a collection of messages for each of the orders in the request, and an indicator for success/failure per the response structure.