API | Returns | Description |
GET UnitsOfMeasure/Weight | UnitOfWeight[] |
Returns supported units of measure |
GET UnitsOfMeasure/Weight/{id} | UnitOfWeight |
The unit matching the requested ID. Returns 404 Not Found if an unsupported unit is requested |
GET UnitsOfMeasure/Length | UnitOfLength[] |
Returns supported units of measure |
GET UnitsOfMeasure/Length/{id} | UnitOfLength |
The unit matching the requested ID. Returns 404 Not Found if an unsupported unit is requested |
API | Returns | Description |
GET Currency | Currency[] |
Returns all supported Currencies |
GET Currency/{currencyCode} | Currency |
Returns the currency matching the code |
API | Returns | Description |
GET Country | Country[] |
Returns a list of supported countries/country codes |
GET Country/{id} | Country |
Returns the requested country/code. Returns 404 if the Country is unsupported or is not found. |
GET Country/{id}/Currency | Currency |
Returns the default currency for the country code specified |
API | Returns | Description |
POST EEMS001B?loOrdOrderID={loOrdOrderID}&approve={approve} |
none |
Takes in an EEMS001B response and reacts against the LO |
POST EEMS002B?loOrdOrderID={loOrdOrderID}&approve={approve} |
none |
Takes in an EEMS002B response and reacts against the LO |
POST EEMS002?loOrdOrderID={loOrdOrderID}&approve={approve} |
none |
Takes in an EEMS002B response and reacts against the LO |
POST LONotify?loOrdOrderID={loOrdOrderID} |
none |
POST SendAlerts |
none |
No documentation available. |
API | Returns | Description |
GET PackageType | PackageType[] |
Returns a list of supported package types for use with Line Items. |
GET PackageType/TMS | PackageType[] |
Returns a list of supported TMS package types for use with Line Items. |
GET PackageType/WMS | PackageType[] |
Returns a list of supported WMS package types for use with Line Items. |
API | Returns | Description |
GET Example/Exception | SystemReply |
Any Web API call that results in a NON-Success HTTP Response Code (i.e. not in the 200 range) will return a Reply object in the response body, much the same as the one in this example. |
GET Example/MSDTCException | SystemReply |
Throws a MSDTC Exception - should return a 500 response |
API | Returns | Description |
GET Sample/TMSCreateRequest | CreateRequest |
Generates a sample TMS Booking Request |
GET Sample/TMSBookingRequest | BookingRequest |
Generates a sample TMS Booking Request |
GET Sample/TMSQuoteRequest | QuoteRequest |
Generates a sample TMS Booking Request |
GET Sample/InboundTrackingMilestonesRequest | TrackingMilestonesRequest |
Generates a sample for TrackingMilestonesRequest for UpdateOrderMilestones |
GET Sample/InboundLogisticsOrderModel | LogisticsOrderModel |
Generates a sample for the LogisticsOrderModel for Add Update Logistics Order API End Point |
GET Sample/CustomsBrokerStatusRequest | CustomsBrokerStatusRequest |